At Beacon, we believe and teach the Bible, which is God's Word. Our aim is to understand and follow the truth contained in it.
Our mission is to glorify God together by creating an atmosphere in which people can begin and enjoy a personal relationship with Christ, mature in Christ's likeness and worship Christ in life changing ways.
• SCRIPTURE: The non-negotiable, foundational Truth which is taught and lived out in every part of our personal, home, work and church life.
Worship/Prayer: To exalt Christ as the center of every aspect of our life.
• ACCEPTANCE: Intentionally welcome with warmth and love all who interact with our Beacon Church family.
• SERVANTHOOD: We follow the example of Jesus in serving our community and each other.
• DISCIPLESHIP: Committed to the process of becoming fully devoted, reproducing disciples of Christ.
• SPIRITUAL GIFTS: Intentionally empowering and equipping every person to minister out of their gifts and passion.
• EVANGELISM: To seek opportunities to engage unsaved people and declare the Good News of the Gospel.
• RELEVANCE: Meeting people where they are, being culturally sensitive, while ensuring we do not compromise biblical standards.