Beacon Baptist Church
Beacon Baptist Church
We want to see God move in our community
We are women encouraging each other in the Word of God to live transformed lives for the Kingdom through the fullness of the gospel.
We highly value our relationships with one another. We look to grow through fellowship, and, most importantly, to encourage ourselves to grow closer to God. We value the Word of God, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
SUNDAYS AT 9:30 a.m.
Experience a transforming group discussion each Sunday as we study through books of the bible prior to the 10:30 a.m. morning worship service. Meet us in the Choir Room and be encouraged!
We are currently studying through the Book of Acts.
Ladies, you are invited to join us as we launch two new studies that begin the week of January 6, 2025.
1. The Book of Ruth: Led by Joni Prevete on Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 PM, Jan. 7-28
From grief to joy, from loss to redemption & restoration-the Book of Ruth is one from which we all can glean. What a blessing to see God’s faithfulness on full display as His plan of salvation is revealed to us through Ruth, Naomi & Boaz. This beautiful story is one of devotion & dedication that ultimately leads us straight to Jesus.
Materials you will need for this class: Bible, notebook, pen/pencil
2. The Book of Esther: Led by Diane Zierau on Fridays, 10:00 AM - 12 noon, January 10-31
The Book of Esther is a timeless story of the steadfast love of an unseen God for His people. We'll see Him unveil the glorious destiny of an orphan girl as she becomes the faith-filled warrior queen of a Gentile nation. The beautiful tale of Jesus' kingdom bride will unfold before our eyes as we study this book in a new & deeply personal way, drawing you deeper into intimacy with God.
Materials you will need for this class: Bible, a new notebook (just for this class), pen/pencil
*NOTE: All classes will take place at Beacon Baptist Church, 3185 Aurora Road, Melbourne, FL 32934
Care for children is not available but we do hope to be able to offer this in the future.
Sign-up using the form below: